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Als Antwort auf David Revoy

I'm excited to see more of this magical world! At first I was sad to see it'd be going away, but MFT seems more like an expansion on Pepper&Carrot so it sounds like the world will become fuller and richer with the broadened focus.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

I would lie if I said that hearing that Pepper&Carrot will find an end doesn't make me sad. But I wish you all luck for new adventures and projects in your life.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

wow, after a long period of hesitation I decided to make an account on mastodon, just in time to see you blogging about ending pepper & carrot...
It has been a great run and I have learned so much from your approach during it, and downloaded every brush etc.

Bonne chance avec ton projet nouveau! MFT FTW!

Als Antwort auf Konstrukto Spons

@Konstrukto Oh no, just when I post this blog! 😆 Thank you very much.

And welcome here!

Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Have fun on your next journey and many thanks for Pepper and Carrot! 🤗
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

I love all your work. Can't wait to see how Pepper & Carrot ends and what the next thing will be.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

I believe it is a wise decision, especially considering that there won't be an abrupt end. I'm a relatively new reader (since 2022), but I think that P&C has been, in many ways, an incredible comic.

I'm eager to read what's to come and I hope MFT will be as good as P&C.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Congrats on making the difficult and scary decision to try something new. I wish you all the best.
Als Antwort auf Codemichael

@codemichael Thank you! Oh yes, scary. I started to think about it in October. It took me until now with all the stage of griefs to be able to formulate it, officialize it, and start to know where I'm going next.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Sad in one sense, of course, but it seems like you've always at least hinted about seeing a "closed form" story, here, and I'm excited to see where things grow from here.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Wow !! Bon courage pour cette fin de projet et pour rebondir pour la suite !
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Look forward to seeing what comes next (not read your post yet). Hope you are well.
Als Antwort auf Jigme Datse

@jigmedatse Hey, thank you! I'm fine, I was just a bit brain exhausted yesterday evening after writing this post and condensing all my brainstorming and notes into a single blog post I wanted as short as possible. Fortunately it's a long week-end here at home, and I spent my day cleaning the gutter around the house, cooking and gardening. A super efficient method to get back energy, especially spending time away from my phone, outside.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Here it's basically a 4 day weekend. Sometimes figuring out how to get things the way you want is tricky. I've *tried* to step a bit further away from, "get it absolutely right," and more to, "get it done good enough..."
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

I think you are right. Going on forever isn’t a good idea, and a good story has a good ending. It’s not like you can’t revisit the characters in the future for a new story. I think you made the sane choice here. Both for yourself and for us, your audience.

(Also I still want an animated Pepper&Carrot:))

Als Antwort auf Gen X-Wing

@breadbin Thank you. I really hope I'll finish Pepper&Carrot correctly and with the same quality until the last page. This new perspective give me extra motivation to reach this milestone and get the '5 books' done. "Finishing a series" feels like a big trophy from my POV right now. 😊
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Can’t sell a complete series collection otherwise:) I’d say it’s a platinum sized one for sure.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Even though my wife is Japanese, I've never liked Japanese mangas since they always go on forever and you must start from the beginning if you like them.
Still, since I first read it, I wanted Pepper&Carrot to go on forever, also thanks to your #FreeSoftware philosophy and choices.
Anyway, I perfectly understand and respect your choice and I'll continue follow you and your nice projects.
Thank you for entertaining us with your art. 🙏🏻
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

thank you for what you’ve done for the open source community so far, and good luck with your next projects. 🫡
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

it's two days early for April the 1st!

The pace of your episodes has been slowing down, so I imagine a lot of us could see that coming. Please end it well 🙂

Als Antwort auf Alex Turff

@aturff Haha, right! I added a small "edit" disclaimer on the article. Right now, for all timezone already +8 or +9 (in Asia) it's already April Fool, better to disambiguate the post.

Oh yes, the slow-down was caused by me getting new ideas, new formats, wanting to get free of some constrains and not being able to reform the project from the inside. For the next project, I'll study carefully all the bottleneck and simplify simplify simplify and put gatekeepers rules to not recomplexify 🙂

Als Antwort auf David Revoy

got a bit scared when I saw the title of the blog post pop-up in my RSS feed, not going to lie 😅 But I'm really looking forward to getting to know more about the world and characters of the Pepper&Carrot universe!
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

I love how there is not even a hint of a sign and roads as well as stones look similar in size.
Als Antwort auf Steffi the Redhead

@fuchsi Thank you, it's a preparatory pencil drawing I made for a panel of the episode 17: A Fresh Start. https://www.peppercarrot.com/en/webcomic/ep17_A-Fresh-Start.html 🙂
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

"Stare them down! Dominate them!"

Dammit. Now I am hooked.
You have a new reader 😁🥰

Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Thank you for making it all free.
And I am intrigued by your new project.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Pepper&Carrot is and will always be a brilliant piece of art. Great stories and wonderful drawings. 😊
I am looking forward what comes next and wish you all the best, success and a lot of fun with the MFT project.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Je craignais que cela n'arrive à un moment ou l'autre.
Je te soutiendrai bien sûr sans réserve sur ce nouveau projet (même si le mécénat passe de "par publication" à "mensuel", en ce qui me concerne)
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

NFT ? How can you think... oh, ok, MFT ! Sure it will be at least as great as P&C were.
Good luck, and nice work ❤
Als Antwort auf Mindiell

@Mindiell 🤣 🤣 🤣
Oh yes, the similar shapes of the acronym with NFTs felt weird. Fortunately, I also found MFT is a short form of My Favorite Thing, and I like this 🙂
Als Antwort auf Luc Ⓐ🏴 ⏚

@framasky Très probable que oui 🙂 (sérieux) ainsi que Morevna, Sintel, etc... Un des nouveaux fondamentaux de ce projet risque d'être l'adoption de la CC-By-Sa à son origine.
Ce n'est pas encore officialisé, mais très souligné dans mon brainstorming et pas motivé uniquement pour une histoire de compatibilité de licences pour caméos. Trop de dérivés de P&C (jeux de rôles/plateaux/vidéos) m'ont promis l'ouverture de licence et ne l'ont pas fait. Impossible de rétro bénéficier de leurs avancés...
Als Antwort auf jaldmic

@jaldmic In a way, yes: the Wiki will stay, the creatures and the universe will be the same. But an opportunity to see more aspect about it. (eg. seeing the guild of Druids, the bank office for the Ko in Komona, the politic of the Mayor, the comission received by a blacksmith, a young archer, etc...).
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

best of lucks! I have enjoyed Pepper & Carrot so I'm very curious to see where their “cinematic universe” goes :neocat_book_owo:
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Pepper & Carrot is my favourite comic series and I would have been sad to see them go...

...which is why it's good to know they'll still be around! It makes sense, to roll back and give yourself a clean slate without constraints. I know from running Snipette that even if you have something going for 10 years (or 6 in our case) it can get constraining to have to stick to your earlier conventions 🧹

Hope the MFT project sets you free, and looking forward to seeing Pepper and Carrot there as well as all the new characters! I didn't know MFT was the original project; it's an interesting story 🧙‍♀️

Also looking forward to the final few episodes, and I'm glad I know in advance rather than suddenly running up against it when the last one drops! 🥕

Als Antwort auf Badri

@badri Thank you! yes, that's exactly about getting a new chance at changing conventions set into stone on the previous projects. The format, the release, the style, the publishing approach, etc... It's a big chance to recalibrate and reevaluate everything and simplify it to what's more important.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

That's Fine. I was sad that that after 10 Years it has concluded, but the legacy lives on.
Als Antwort auf Andres Bravo

@andresbravo2003 Thank you, I'll also continue to maintain the website even after the 42th episode will be published and provide support for the translation years after the ending. We plan to move our chat and dev forge to a more generic name, maybe "Hereva" for the common world at the root of Pepper&Carrot and Mini Fantasy Theater.
Als Antwort auf SoLongAndThanksForThePlanet.earth

@me_the_fl00f @andresbravo2003 Argh, unfortunately for me I had a check: very pricey on Gandi (not the first year but then, 60€ per year!) I prefer to skip the idea; too bad 😆 .
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

David Revoy

@ben Thank you! True, it will be always possible to make a new "special episode" later for the fun if I really miss the long chapter format of Pepper&Carrot.

I of course plan to reuse young Pepper and Carrot in Mini Fantasy Theatre. I'm not 100% sure about the format, but a strip in 4 panels like https://www.peppercarrot.com/0_sources/0ther/misc/hi-res/2022-01-20_Pepper-and-Carrot_mini-comic_02_Imagination_by-David-Revoy.jpg is right now an option I really consider for MFT.

Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

David Revoy
@Enora Thank you Enora!
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

*checks calendar* Hmm...

Well, good luck! I'll still be reading regardless.

Als Antwort auf Linebyline

@linebyline Hey, yes, I should probably edit the toot and add:
"edit: NOT a April Fool joke" or write it in the header of the blog post because if I edit the toot it will pollute all the notifications for those who already saw it.

I should have probably kept that for at least a big week away from the 1st April. But I couldn't keep this for me more: I started thinking about it in October...

And thank you!

Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

Als Antwort auf David Revoy

thanks for the great stuff so far. Looking forward to your new project!
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

MFT described as short humorous comic strips reminds me a bit of the ComicBattle you did with Gee, which was pretty fun.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
Als Antwort auf Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:

@lanodan Yes, on my brainstorming, I have a lot of connections pointing into the direction of posting short scenes directly on social media (like this type of experiments: https://www.peppercarrot.com/0_sources/0ther/misc/hi-res/2022-01-20_Pepper-and-Carrot_mini-comic_02_Imagination_by-David-Revoy.jpg ). And maybe also test to port directly the proofreading on social media thanks to a mix of new technology: the "edit" feature here, 'follower only' type of post, and CW for beta/alpha material. A good mix to open the project more, more than just user who know Git and Gitlab. Many new things to explore!
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Whaaa, ça va faire bizarre quand ça sera le dernier pour de bon, mais au moins Pepper&Carrot aura droit à une vraie fin. Et bravo pour le nouveau projet.
Als Antwort auf lebout2canap ⏚

@lebout2canap Merci ! Oui, je suis super curieux de ce que ça fera quand j'aurai publié l'ultime épisode. Bon, j'imagine que ce sera le début du travail sur l'auto-édition avec Scribus du Livre 5 et aussi le travail avec les éditeurs autour de Pepper&Carrot. Mais ça doit être vertigineux après tout ce temps sur la série.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

As a proud owner of printed books 1-4 I am looking forward to have a complete collection 😀

I liked all the characters, but I believe that a good story needs a good ending, and if you feel like it - then it is time.

Als Antwort auf Aleksandra Fedorova :fedora:

@bookwar A big thank you for owning all the books! :blobcatheart: I can't wait to also have the final book 5 in my bookshelf and see the series as "complete".
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

@David Revoy A part of me is hoping that this is an April’s fool, as it saddens me that Pepper & Carrot should end. But if it is not, then thank you for what you did so far and best wishes for your next project (that I’ll follow closely for sure). 😀
Als Antwort auf Damien Goutte-Gattat

@dgouttegattat Thank you so much! I only hope I'm up to the task of writing a good ending and be as similar quality as all the effort I've put into this series over its last ten years.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Thank you for (almost) 10 years of Pepper & Carrot. And thank you for giving it a real ending and for not let it die in silence.
And now I'm looking forward to what's to come. 😊
Als Antwort auf HerrThees

@herrthees Thank you. Oh yes about "let it die in silence." : I saw this pattern way too often on other webcomics and I can't even blame their authors. It's a real challenge to reach the end on so many points.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

Huge respect for this decision. I like it when stories can conclude gracefully rather than in a mad panic or worse, just stuck in limbo. Pepper&Carrot has been a wonderful read so far, and I'm glad we aren't saying goodbye forever to this world. I look forward to MFT and what shenanigans it will bring!
Als Antwort auf David Revoy


I had the experience of finishing a long term project rather than letting it end, and that difference was really good for me. I hope it gives you the same combination of closure and motivation to move forward.

Als Antwort auf David Revoy

this feels like the right time and a good decision overall. Good luck finishing the book!
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

we've so much enjoyed the series, the characters, and the open nature of the project! Merci bien!
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

David Revoy

@andre Thank you! I don't have a repository, it's just a single HTML right now temporary hosted in https://www.davidrevoy.com/minifantasytheater/ and it might stay like that until I finish Pepper&Carrot. 😅 I only took it to avoid trolls who would reserve
- https://www.minifantasytheater.com
- https://www.minifantasytheatre.com

(I took both US and UK variant 😆 )

Thanks if you want to improve this single html temporary file! You'll get the source with Ctrl+U on your browser and you can send me back a link with https://pastebin.com/

Als Antwort auf David Revoy

I wonder if MFT could become a community project where everyone could do their take within the story setting
Als Antwort auf Yiming Wu ✅ Use OurPaint

@chengdulittlea True, that's an idea I put in my brainstorming: opening the official website and stream of episode to guest comic posts with various styles. The harder part for me will be to find a format and stick to it, then making it a standard for the series, something I can document and open a sandbox for other to experiment as well in it.
Right now, the 4 panels square format (2x2), all in one image, attracts me a lot. I also like the 4 x 16:9 independant pictures.
Als Antwort auf David Revoy

I can understand this decision. I can imagine PnC is hard to shape. It has a slow paced approach, focussing more on little wholesome units rather than telling a story, though it has started to pick up more structure over the time.

I would still love to see maybe not more of PnC, but a new take on PnC. Starting on the story, not on the drawing board, and telling a nice story. I can imagine there are some writers and stuff around who'd love to take part in something like that.

Als Antwort auf David Revoy

I'm honestly happy that the project is evolving and changing. I'm actually quite fascinated by the world you've created. Honestly whatever project you take on, I will still support you cuz you're an inspiration to the Artists in Open Source Community.
Als Antwort auf Albert Westra

@odysseywestra Thank you so much for your words, and also for supporting my work since the start of Pepper&Carrot, 10 years ago. 10 years soon! I can't believe it myself.
Right now it looks my brain wants to start Mini Fantasy Theater and ending Pepper&Carrot simultaneously. I jump on one when I block on the other, and ideas rejected for one feed the other. An interesting period of overlap. 😆